Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Respect the sex

We talked about purity and sexual sin tonight at youth group. It is a topic near and dear to my heart. As a 28 year old virgin I take the command to be pure seriously. I am very passionate about it, and unlike some adults, I love talking to the teens about sex and how to live a pure life. Cause it's all well and good to read them 1 Corinthians 6:18,  (Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body)but it's another ball game all together to have them understand it and apply it to their lives. 

It is a hard thing to teach them, especially when they are bombarded every day with sex. It's everywhere, almost all the time. It's impossible to avoid it, and you can't isolate yourself from everyone. How do you teach purity to a girl who's mom allows them to wear shorts that look like they should be underwear. Or how do you keep a boy from watching porn when his parents allow him a laptop in his room. It seems like with a lot of my kids there is little to no accountability at home. I don't get it. How can I impart to them the importance of purity in thoughts, actions, and dress when it isn't reinforced at home or school. This is an actual question, not a rhetorical one. Does anyone have any pointers?

I worry that sex isn't held in very high regard anymore. I think sex is a VERY big deal. It was made by God for us enjoy. Not to be treated as trivial. A lot of people see it as no big deal. It's normal and encouraged to explore sex and your sexuality. I'm not saying we should go back to the Victorian era and treat it as shameful but I think people need to start respecting it again. 

Ok...I'm done venting now. Have a blessed day
Peace LLL


  1. I agree with you completely that sex isn't held in very high regard anymore. I could write horror stories about stuff I've dealt with in churches, stuff that never happened when I was a kid growing up in Church, or even when I first became a pastor 17 years ago. Sex is everywhere. We went from tv shows that never even showed a married couple in bed together to shows where we see non-married couples and same sex couples in bed together. Reading Romans yesterday Paul points out that God will hand people over to their sinful ways. As for stressing purity with teens, my approach has always been to help them want to honor God with their actions and attitudes. Not just teens, but everyone. It works for some and for others, not so much. For me, for my life, I find the more time I spend with God, the closer I get to Him, the more I want to honor Him with every area of my life. I try to relate to others my struggles and how God helps me and in my last Church all I got was "you're a married pastor, how can you be tempted with sexual sin." SMH you're kidding, right? That's one of the core groups satan wants to tempt.

  2. I agree. The married pastors are being tempted hard core. Thanks for the advise and for reading my blog. :)
